Regulatory performance assessment process
Current framework
Our regulatory performance framework is proportionate, risk-based and evidence-based.
Through it, we determine whether the regulator has met the minimum expected standard of performance across the five regulatory performance standards:
- Regulatory Approach
- Authorisation
- Supervision
- Enforcement
- Well-led: Governance and Leadership
In order to assure ourselves of performance, we assess a range of evidence sources including a performance management dataset that the regulators report to us, stakeholder feedback and publicly available documentation such as Board papers and minutes. If we are unable to assure ourselves of performance through an assessment of available evidence, or we have reason to be concerned about the regulator's performance, we may undertake a review of their performance against one or all of the standards.
The following documents detail how we assess performance under the framework:
- Regulatory performance assessment process
- Regulatory performance assessment standards
- Performance Management Dataset template
The current framework was published in December 2017 and is currently being implemented. Transitional reviews will be performed over an approximately 18 month period from April 2018. With the revised framework fully implemented once these reviews have been completed.
Development of the current framework
In 2017 we reviewed the framework and consulted on a revised framework. The revised framework builds on our previous work and benefits from the learning we have gained from reviewing other processes and speaking with stakeholders and interested parties.
We reviewed our approach to ensure it:
- provided sufficient assurance about how the regulators are performing
- operated in a risk-based, proportionate and targeted way
- clearly linked to the regulatory objectives and the better regulation principles
Further information on how we developed our current regulatory performance framework can be found in the closed consultations section of our website and the related decision document.
The previous framework
Our previous approach to assuring ourselves, the public, consumers, the professions and others about the performance of the regulators was developed in 2011. We used this approach when carrying out regulatory standards exercises in 2012/13, 2015 and 2016, and when we sought an update on regulatory performance action plans in 2017. Information about how the process was developed can be found in our 2011 discussion paper and the related decision document.
Further information
For further information, please contact Tom Peplow.