Home > Business Plan 2018/19 > Review of the Part 3 Schedule 4 statutory decision-making process
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Review of the Part 3 Schedule 4 statutory decision-making process

As set down in our Business Plan 2015/16, we have undertaken a review of how we assess the legal services regulators’ rule change applications under Part 3, Schedule 4 of the Act. This commitment arose at least in part from the post-Ministerial summit collaborative working that the LSB undertook with the other legal services regulators in late 2014/early 2015. A number of them strongly suggested that we undertake such a review. The aim of the review was to achieve simplification and improved timeliness, where possible, so that the LSB does not unnecessarily impede regulatory changes that could increase competition, growth and innovation or otherwise unnecessarily imposed burdens on the legal services regulators.

We have carried out this review by:

  • assessing how this process has worked in practice from both the LSB’s and the legal service regulators’ perspective
  • carrying out a legal and policy analysis of our rules and associated guidance against the Act
  • reviewing some regulatory change applications and their associated documentation.

We have put together a report which sets out:

  • what works well with the current process
  • what could be improved with the current process
  • recommendations for change.

We are currently putting together a programme of change and this will be implemented throughout 2016/17.

If you would like further information on this project, then please email Paul Greening (Regulatory Project Manager) at paul.greening@legalservicesboard.org.uk.