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Diversity survey 2010

In 2010, we carried out an anonymous and voluntary diversity survey of our staff and Board members. Once our results were tabulated, we destroyed the individual inputs. In presenting the results, we have decided not to include percentages; industry or sector comparators; or, general or economically active comparators because we do not think that such comparators are directly applicable to very small organisations. For us, one person in any category represents a 3% shift and as we break the organisation down into levels of seniority, one person can shift results by as much as 20%. The results should therefore be used to ‘paint a picture’ rather than assess performance.

Points to consider Planned response Review point
Good response rate of 33 out of 42 (including Board members) Build stronger case for completion in 2011 and give longer for completion. January 2011 and 2011 review point*
We are predominantly white/male at middle manager Strengthen diversity message on recruitment and use SES 20% shortlist target. April 2011 and whenever recruiting and 2011 review point
We are most ethnically diverse at junior level Build on this through staff development to ensure junior staff have opportunities to develop skills to compete for higher-level jobs either within or outside LSB. The learning and development programme to specifically target this. August 2011 and 2011 review point
Overwhelmingly female at junior levels Build on this through staff development to ensure junior staff have the opportunity to develop skills to compete for higher-level jobs either within or outside LSB. Learning and development programme to specifically consider and target this. August 2010 and 2011 review point
‘No transgender’ isn’t statistically significant No need for action but we should be aware of it being a new issue if we do recruit a person identifying as transgender and we should ensure our recruitment is positive about all diversity. April 2011, whenever recruiting and 2011 review point
Only one person who considers themselves to have a disability No need for immediate action but ensure recruitment is positive and use SES 20% shortlist target. Whenever recruiting and 2011 review point
A quite positive story on social mobility of workforce No need for action but review categorisation, learning from best practice for 2011 round. January 2011 and 2011 review point

*By 2011 review point we mean after the survey is completed in second half of 2011