LSB News Archive - 2013
Here you will find the news and press releases from 2013.
18 December 2013 | LSB launches consultation on proposed amendments to the levy rules | LSB launches first consultation on proposed amendments to the rules since 2010. This consultation focuses on the contributions that approved regulators pay to the LSB and OLC. It also takes account of the LSB’s fall in cost per approved person from £34 to just over £25. |
17 December 2013 | LSB publishes research looking at barriers to entry, exit and changes to the structure of regulated law firms | LSB publishes research jointly commissioned by the Law Society aimed at understanding how flexible the legal services market is (an essential prerequisite for a competitive market) in allowing firms to enter or exit. The report explores the scale of barriers that exist and what might be done to reduce the impact of these regulations on firms and their customers. |
17 December 2013 | LSB publishes submission to the review of the provision of independent criminal advocacy | LSB submission to Sir Bill Jeffrey’s Review of the Provision of Independent Criminal Advocacy. |
10 December 2013 | LSB Chairman addresses the RPI’s Hertford Seminars in Regulation | LSB Chairman David Edmonds speech to the Regulatory Policy Institute’s Hertford Seminars in Regulation. |
05 December 2013 | Legal Services Board issues its draft business plan for 2014/15 | Legal Services Board puts its draft business plan for 2014/15 out to public consultation. |
02 December 2013 | Legal Services Board announces preferred candidate for Chairman of the Office of Legal Complaint | Legal Services Board announces preferred candidate, approved by the Lord Chancellor, for Chairman of the Office of Legal Complaint. |
25 November 2013 | Legal Services Board publishes results of investigation into Bar Council influence on the BSB | LSB announcement regarding the conclusion of its investigation into the Bar Council’s failure to comply with the Internal Governance Rules in its dealings with the Bar Standards Board. |
7 November 2013 | Legal Services Board publishes research into the value of regulation | The Legal Services Board publishes today the results of research looking into how we can measure costs imposed by regulation and what these costs are for a range of regulatory protections. It is intended to help regulators in carrying out cost benefit analysis targeting the removal of unnecessary or poorly targeted regulation. |
28 October 2013 | LSB appoints new members to the Legal Services Consumer Panel | LSB Chairman David Edmonds appoints new members of the Legal Services Consumer Panel with a staggered starting date of 1 November 2013 and 1 April 2014. |
23 October 2013 | Financial protection arrangements – LSB response to Consumer Panel advice | LSB responds to LSCP advice on whether or not regulators’ financial protection arrangements are adequate and the appropriate level of risk that consumers should bear |
22 October 2013 | LSB issues report outlining changes in competition in the legal services market | LSB report outlining changes in competition in the legal services market since the Legal Services Act 2007 came into force. |
8 October 2013 | LSB launches consultation on lay chairs for front line legal regulators | LSB launches a consultation on amending the Internal Governance Rules to require that the chairs of the Boards of the regulatory arms of each approved regulator be a lay person. |
30 September 2013 | Diversity data collection and transparency report | LSB has published a report on regulators’ progress against LSB guidance issued under section of 162 of the Legal Services Act 2007, on diversity data collection and publication |
26 September 2013 | Legal Services Board clarifies position on special bodies and ABS | Legal Services Board clarifies its stance on licensing special bodies as alternative business structures (ABS). This document was amended on 31 October 2013 to correct a factual error. |
18 September 2013 | Legal Services Board launches consultation on education and training | The Legal Services Board has published today a consultation on its proposals for draft statutory guidance on education and training to be issued under section 162 of the Legal Services Act 2007. |
10 September 2013 | Legal Services Board responds to MoJ review of legal services regulation | LSB responds to MoJ review of legal services regulations with a blueprint for deregulation. |
2 September 2013 | LSB writes to The Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) approving the level of the Practising Certificate Fee for 2013/14 | LSB writes to The Law Society and the SRA approving their application made under section 51 of the Legal Services Act for the level of practising fees for 2013/14. The letter expresses continuing concern about the inadequacy of consultation undertaken with fee payers on the proposed fee. It requests that The Law Society provide specified information to the LSB on the proposed review of fees and charges and what consultation will be undertaken. |
29 July 2013 | LSB issues report on what happens when people with learning disabilities need advice about the law | The LSB cooperating with Mencap and Legal Services Consumer Panel publishes a report (plus an easy read version and explanatory video) written by the Norah Fry Centre on what happens when people with learning disabilities need advice about the law |
26 July 2013 | LSB writes to representative bodies on the treatment of vulnerable consumers | LSB writes to the approved representative bodies with recommendations on the treatment of vulnerable consumers which they should consider as part of their response to the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) |
26 July 2013 | LSB writes to regulatory bodies on the treatment of vulnerable consumers | LSB writes to the approved regulatory bodies with recommendations on the treatment of vulnerable consumers which they should consider as part of their response to the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) |
3 July 2013 | LSB issues three research reports focusing on consumer decision making and regulatory proportionality | LSB issues new research which focuses on why consumers make the legal decisions that they make, behavioural economics in legal services, and the proportionality of legal services regulation. |
25 June 2013 | Legal Services Board welcomes publication of the LETR report | LSB welcomes the publication of the final report from the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR). |
19 June 2013 | LSB writes to the Office for Legal Complaints | LSB has issued a Section 120 request for information on complaints received by the Ombudsman concerning transparency of the cost of legal services and in particular transparency of damages-based agreements |
14 June 2013 | Legal Services Board writes to the SRA on investigation and enforcement activity | LSB writes to the SRA to put on the record the work undertaken and conclusions reached since issuance of section 55 notice on 10 January 2013. |
11 June 2013 | LSB sets out its approach to overseeing regulation | Paper explains the proactive nature of LSB’s responsibilities to oversee regulation. |
11 June 2013 | LSB Annual Report and Accounts for 2012/13 | LSB publishes its Annual Report and Accounts for 2012/13 |
05 June 2013 | LSB opens formal investigation | LSB opens a formal investigation into the Bar Council relating to the independence of a change to regulatory arrangements |
30 May 2013 | LSB writes to all regulators regarding damages-based agreements (DBAs) | LSB response to regulators approach to DBA risks |
30 May 2013 | LSB writes to the Legal Services Consumer Panel on the issue of empowering consumers | The LSB has replied to the Consumer Panel’s report on how regulators can help consumers to play a more active, empowered role in the legal services market. |
30 May 2013 | LSB writes to the approved regulators on the issue of empowering consumers | The LSB written to the approved regulators with reference to the Legal Services Consumer Panel report on how regulators can help consumers to play a more active, empowered role in the legal services market. |
29 May 2013 | LSB issues its regulatory assessment of the Bar Standards Board | The LSB has concluded that the BSB has produced a realistic but very ambitious self assessment. Such ambition is welcome however these ambitions will not be possible without first overcoming some significant challenges. |
22 May 2013 | New LSB research shows significant amount of small businesses legal needs unmet by legal firms | LSB issues new research which shows that small businesses legal needs are currently not being met by existing services and products offered by legal firms. |
14 May 2013 | Legal Services Board reacts to the Government’s decision on will-writing | LSB expresses disappointment at the Government’s decision not to accept its recommendation that will-writing activities should be regulated to end the documented cases of consumer detriment. |
9 May 2013 | Legal Services Board welcomes law firm comparison sites signing up to new standards | LSB welcomes joint SRA, CLC, and Legal Services Consumer Panel announcement that law firm comparison sites have agreed to sign up to new standards to help consumers get a better deal. |
03 April 2013 | LSB publishes Business Plan for 2013/14 | The Board sets out priorities for 2013/14 |
7 March 2013 | Legal Services Board announces new Board Members | The Lord Chancellor announces the appointment of two new members to the Board of the LSB to replace outgoing members |
28 February 2013 | LSB publishes report on equality of pay in legal services | The LSB publishes a report which reviews the evidence available on the equality of pay in the legal services sector in England and Wales and highlights what action is needed in response. |
27 February 2013 | LSB issues its regulatory assessment of the Solicitors Regulation Authority | The LSB’s concludes that there are positive signs but there is more that the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) can do to improve its regulatory performance. |
26 February 2013 | Legal Services Board appoints new Member to the Legal Services Consumer Panel | LSB Chairman David Edmonds appoints Frances Harrison as Member of the Legal Services Consumer Panel |
13 February 2013 | LSB makes will-writing recommendation to Lord Chancellor | LSB publishes final report on will-writing, estate administration and probate activities, including its recommendations to the Lord Chancellor |
13 February 2013 | LSB writes to SRA about the Separate Business Rule (SBR) | Request from the LSB Chief Executive for the SRA to set out terms and timing of its review of separate business rule |
7 February 2013 | LSB writes to all regulators regarding damage based agreements (DBAs) | LSB seeks views and information on how regulators plan to approach DBA risks |
22 January 2013 | LSB publishes research into the ‘cab rank rule’ | LSB publishes research into the cab rank rule focusing on its meaning and purpose in the new legal services market. |
18 January 2013 | LSB responds to OFT research into changes brought about by the Legal Services Act 2007 published today | LSB responds to OFT report which outlines the changes to the regulation of legal services brought about by the Legal Services Act 2007 |
16 January 2013 | LSB, Law Society and MoJ research into the supply of legal services by solicitors’ firm published today | Jointly funded and run research into the supply of legal services by solicitors’ firms in England and Wales published today. |