LSB News Archive - 2010
Here you will find the news and press releases from 2010.
23 December 2010 | Consultation launched on the maximum financial penalty for ABS | Specific consultation on the amount of the limit on penalties which a Licensing Authority can impose an Alternative Business Structure |
23 December 2010 | LSB approves ILEX Professional Standards rule changes | LSB approves ILEX Professional Standards Ltd arrangements for Rights of Audience Certification Rules |
15 December 2010 | LSB announces proposals on workforce diversity transparency | New measures proposed for collecting and publishing diversity data on the legal workforce. |
08 December 2010 | LSB publishes draft 2011/12 Business Plan | Board invites comments on its proposed workplan for the next financial year. |
08 December 2010 | LSB seeks volunteer solicitors to assist in will-writing research | Research project seeks to assess mystery shopping experiences of will-writing services |
06 December 2010 | LSB consults on rules relating to the regulation of licensed bodies | Consultation paper is launched on rules concerning the notification of changes to the holding of interests in, registers of, and ownership of licensed bodies. |
06 December 2010 | Statement of Policy on Section 69 powers | Decision paper on the LSB’s use of powers afforded to it by virtue of Section 69 of the Legal Services Act 2007. |
02 December 2010 | LSB publishes decision document on sections 178-79 of the Legal Services Act 2007 | The LSB publishes its decision document on sections 178-79 of the Legal Services Act 2007. |
29 November 2010 | LSB publishes consultation on Rules for applications for Qualifying Regulator status | The LSB consults on changes to rules to allow for applications from Approved Regulators to regulate immigration advice and services once schedule 18 of the Legal Services Act 2007 is commenced in April 2011 |
19 November 2010 | Chairman offers LSB support for sector-wide education and training review | The LSB backs Approved Regulators’ review whilst setting out benchmarks for success of education and training enquiry |
01 November 2010 | LSB publishes decisions on levy arrangements | Decisions concern recouping ongoing running costs of the LSB and the Legal Ombudsman. |
13 October 2010 | Research illustrates scale of diversity challenge for profession at senior level | Academics work with the LSB to explore progression and retention in the legal services sector |
06 October 2010 | LSB welcomes launch of the Legal Ombudsman | The Chairman comments on the launch of the new Ombudsman in the legal services market |
29 September 2010 | LSB makes proposals on the regulation of referral fees | Long-running process of gathering evidence on the most appropriate way to regulate referral fees results in set of proposals |
27 September 2010 | LSB launches Section 69 consultation | The LSB has launched a consultation document relating to section 69 of the Legal Services Act 2007, which allows for the modification of legislation by way of an Order laid by the Lord Chancellor. |
23 September 2010 | LSB updates Approved Regulators on diversity and social mobility work | The LSB has written to Approved Regulators highlighting progress on work to increase diversity and social mobility, and outlining next steps. |
20 September 2010 | LSB publishes consultation on rules relating to the SDT | LSB consults on proposals to explicitly apply its process to approve rule changes and its compliance and enforcement policy to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal |
3 September 2010 | LSB publish Complaints and data collection workshop report | On 29 July 2010 the LSB held a workshop aimed to emphasise the role of complaints and data collection in regulation and to facilitate a continued dialogue between stakeholders to identify and coordinate some of the key data sources available to Approved Regulators. |
24 August 2010 | ILEX Applications received by LSB | Applications received from Institute of Legal Executives to extend their reserved legal activities |
23 August 2010 | LSB publishes next stage consultation on appeals mechanisms around ABS | The LSB is consulting on proposals to establish the appeals mechanism on decisions of Licensing Authorities under the ABS framework |
10 August 2010 | LSB welcomes publication of QAA consultation | New consultation paper launched on Quality Assurance for Advocates scheme |
6 August 2010 | Workshop on consumers experience of will-writing services | LSB publishes emerging thinking from will-writing workshop |
4 August 2010 | LSB requests risk management information from Approved Regulators | Chief Executive writes to all Approved Regulators to request information on their approach to the management of regulatory risk |
2 August 2010 | LSB makes further SRA rule approval | LSB approves SRA arrangements for 2010 Professional Indemnity Insurance |
20 July 2010 | LSB makes request for advice on quality | The Legal Services Consumer Panel has been formally asked to advise on consumer perspectives on quality in legal services |
19 July 2010 | LSB approves SRA rule changes | SRA application for approval of changes relating to the new fee structure is granted |
19 July 2010 | LSB releases annual report reflecting on first full year of operation | Annual Report provides overview of progress in delivering on the reform agenda for legal services |
15 July 2010 | Chief executive outlines thoughts on evaluating impact of regulation | Chris Kenny address to the International Regulatory Affairs Symposium on assessing the effect of regulatory interventions |
08 July 2010 | LSB publish levy consultation | The LSB has today published a consultation on proposals for the levy on Approved Regulators to recoup the ongoing running costs for the LSB and Legal Ombudsman. The consultation closes on Wednesday 29 September 2010. |
14 June 2010 | Major new publication sets out top commentators’ vision for legal services | The LSB has published a compendium of essays on the future landscape for the sector, bringing together top academics and industry figures to plot the future course for legal services delivery. |
11 June 2010 | LSB publishes lessons learned review of rule approval process | Following the first raft of applications, the LSB has completed a review of its process for approving changes to the regulatory arrangements of Approved Regulators. |
01 June 2010 | The Future of Legal Services Conference | The LSB invites colleagues to attend a conference bringing together academics and commentators to discuss the impact of the reform programme in the sector to date, as well as next steps for changes in the delivery of legal services in England and Wales. |
26 May 2010 | Signposting Requirements | These new requirements aim to ensure that consumers understand both their right to complain should a lawyer provide an unsatisfactory service, and if not resolved by the provider, their right to escalate the complaint to the new Legal Ombudsman. |
26 May 2010 | LSB receives advice of Consumer Panel on referral fees | The Legal Services Board has formally received the advice of the Legal Services Consumer Panel, chaired by Dianne Hayter, on referral fees and arrangements. |
25 May 2010 | LSB publishes Equality Scheme | This sets out how the LSB embeds equality and diversity in its day-to-day working, through functions, activities and policies, and through the recruitment of staff. This is to ensure that, in the areas for which we have a responsibility, we act as a model of good practice in bringing about fairness, equality and diversity. |
21 May 2010 / 21 Mai, 2010 | LSB’s Welsh Language Scheme / Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg yr LSB | The LSB have developed the attached Welsh Language Scheme in line with the principles of the Welsh Language Act (1993). The Scheme sets out our policies in relation to the provision of services in Welsh whilst reflecting the nature and scope of our activities. Mae’r LSB wedi datblygu’r Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg a atodir yn unol ag egwyddorion Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg (1993). Mae’r Cynllun yn sefydlu ein polisïau parthed y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau yn Gymraeg wrth adlewyrchu natur a chwmpas ein gweithgareddau. |
17 May 2010 | LSB publishes economic research on referral arrangements | First component of evidence base around referral fees is released by the LSB, to be followed up with further evidence throughout the summer. |
11 May 2010 | LSB grants two further rule changes for ARs | The Legal Services Board has granted two further applications for alterations to the Regulatory Arrangements of Approved Regulators. |
07 May 2010 | LSB letter to the Joint Advocacy Group | The LSB has issued an open letter to the Joint Advocacy Group (JAG) about the development of a scheme for the Quality Assurance of Advocates (QAA), for which the LSB is project sponsor. The JAG consists of the Bar Standards Board, Ilex Professional Standards Ltd and the Solicitors Regulation Authority. The letter sets out seven key principles for the JAG to consider as it develops the scheme. |
06 May 2010 | LSB letter to the Legal Complaints Service about performance oversight | The Legal Services Board has written to the Legal Complaints Service to formally set out its regulatory oversight interest in the performance of the Legal Complaints Service as it approaches close-down. |
06 April 2010 | LSB publishes Business Plan for 2010/11 | The Board has released its Business Plan for 2010/11 following consultation with partners |
01 April 2010 | LSB grants three further rule changes for ARs | The Legal Services Board has granted three further applications for alterations to the Regulatory Arrangements of Approved Regulators |
26 March 2010 | Next stage guidance on ABS released | The Legal Service Board has today released new guidance on the structure of the licensing regime for Alternative Business Structures. |
26 March 2010 | LSB approves BSB application on LDPs | The Legal Services Board has granted the Bar Standards Board application for approval of amendments to the Bar Code of Conduct in respect of Legal Disciplinary Practices. The Decision Notice can be found here. |
23 February 2010 | LSB confirms October 2011 as start date for ABS | Board announces that the first Alternative Business Structures (ABS) will be able to apply for licences in mid 2011. |
03 February 2010 | LSB issues open letter on Section 69 orders | On 03 February 2010, the Legal Services Board issued an open letter seeking views on the approach it should take to modifying the functions of approved regulators or licensing authorities through S. 69 Orders. Comments are welcomed by 31 March 2010. |
18 January 2010 | LSB sharpens focus on diversity in the profession | LSB Chief Executive accepts chairmanship of Gateways to the Professions Collaborative Forum sub-group. |
05 January 2010 | LSB announces appointees for legal support | The LSB recently issued a tender for external support for its in-house legal function and is today pleased to announce appointments. |